C++ für Kids
C++ for kids.iso
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Text File
342 lines
1000 A keyword footnote has been specified without a keyword.
1001 The keyword "%s" is already defined in this topic.
1002 Using existing phrase table: %s.
1003 A paragraph marker is formatted as a hidden character.
1004 A previous instance of %s did not contain %s.
1005 %s is not an unsigned number for the macro "%s". The sign will be ignored.
1006 The ExecProgram macro has been used instead of ExecFile.
1007 The include tag "%s" has been specified in the [EXCLUDE] section.
1008 Ignoring transparent flag on the monochrome bitmap "%s."
1009 The map entry for "%s" has text after the number: "%s".
1010 The following mapped Topic IDs were not used in any topic:
1011 The right-justified table row style is not supported.
1012 Table cell borders are not supported.
1013 The "%s" section is missing a right bracket.
1014 The multikey value %c has already been defined.
1015 A page break is formatted as a hidden character.
1016 A carriage return is formatted as a hidden character.
1017 A nonscrolling region crosses a page break.
1019 The Language Option is obsolete. It should be replaced with the LCID option specified in the Sorting dialog from the Options dialog.
1024 The "%s" option has been specified more than once.
2000 The bitmap %s is a 24-bit bitmap.
2001 The bitmap %s is a 256-color bitmap.
2002 The keywords "%s" and "%s" are identical except for case. Help Workshop has modified one keyword to match the other.
3000 The keyword "%s" is larger than %d characters.
3001 The file "%s" does not contain a valid icon.
3002 %s is a number but should be a string for the macro "%s".
3003 The macro name "%s" is invalid.
3004 The variable used in the macro "%s" does not match the macro's argument type.
3005 The macro variable "%s" is undefined.
3006 Missing comma in authorable button command.
3007 "%s" is an invalid display-state parameter for the macro "%s."
3008 Missing double quote in macro %s: %s
3009 Missing end quote (') in macro %s: %s
3010 The macro name "%s" is undefined.
3011 The accelerator "%s" has already been added.
3012 The macro "%s" does not include a window name.
3013 %s is not a valid numeric parameter for the macro "%s."
3014 Window name "%s" has already been used.
3015 This window position is invalid: "%s."
3016 Invalid syntax for authorable button: %s.
3017 Topic ID for "%s" macro contains invalid characters: %s.
3018 In the Project file, an #include statement is specified without a filename.
3019 Missing quote or parenthesis in the macro %s.
3020 The bitmap "%s" has already been used in a different folder.
3021 Cannot find the bitmap "%s."
3022 The bitmap "%s" has already been used as a non-transparent bitmap.
3023 The bitmap "%s" has already been used as a transparent bitmap.
3024 The window name "%s" contains more than eight characters and has been truncated to "%s".
3025 Jump to undefined Topic ID: "%s".
3026 The Topic ID "%s" has already been defined in topic %d in file %s.
3027 The following alias line does not contain an '=' character separating the Topic IDs:\n %s.
3028 The bitmap file %s is corrupted.
3029 The file format of the bitmap file %s is unrecognized or unsupported.
3030 Help Workshop does not support 24-bit PCX files: %s.
3031 Help Workshop does not support compressed BMP files: %s.
3032 The bitmap file %s is truncated.
3033 The Topic ID "%s" contains invalid characters. The #, =, >, @, !, or \% characters cannot be used in a WinHelp version 4.0 source file.
3034 Invalid parameter for TCard macro: "%s".
3035 Map entry does not specify a numeric value: "%s".
3036 Paragraph mark occurs before a topic ID footnote (#).
3037 The map value for "%s" is the same as the map value for "%s".
3038 The following Topic IDs are not defined in the [MAP] section of the Project file:
3039 The following line does not contain an '=' character separating the font name from the character set:\n %s.
3040 The character set value is not an integer between 0 and 255:\n %s.
3041 The phrase file %s exceeds 64K. Phrase compression turned off.\n
3042 The copyright string exceeds 255 characters. It has been truncated to the following:\n %s\n
3043 The title string exceeds 127 characters. It has been truncated to the following:\n %s\n
3044 Hotspot exceeds %d characters:\n
3045 Footnote exceeds %d characters:\n
3046 The %s file is not an RTF (Rich Text Format) file. It appears to have been saved as a Microsoft Word document.
3047 No name was specified for the bitmap command.
3048 Nonscrolling region defined after scrolling region.
3049 Invalid Topic IDs in hypergraphic:\n %s\n
3050 Missing Topic IDs in hypergraphic\n
3051 Cannot jump to window "%s". No windows have been defined in the Project file.
3052 The window name "%s" has not been defined in the Project file.
3053 The Project file contains more than 255 window definitions.
3054 Build Tag contains invalid characters. The following is invalid: "%s".
3055 The build tag "%s" has already been used.
3056 The window name "%s" in the macro "%s" contains more than eight characters and has been truncated to "%s".
3057 A hotspot is defined with a macro (using !), but the macro is not specified.
3058 Topic id for hotspot contains invalid characters: %s.
3059 A hotspot was specified without a macro or Topic ID.
3060 Window name is specified for a pop-up jump.
3061 The intermal bitmap %s cannot be combined with other bitmaps
3062 Window definition is missing an '=' character:\n %s\n
3063 Window definition does not contain anything after the '=' character:\n %s\n
3064 Window name is not defined before '=' character:\n %s\n
3065 A closing quote is missing in window caption:\n %s\n
3066 Window caption contains more than 50 characters:\n %s\n
3067 The %s command in the [OPTIONS] section of the Project file does not specify a value after the '=' character.
3068 The following line in the [OPTIONS] section of the Project file does not contain an '=' character:\n %s\n.
3069 The %s option in the [OPTIONS] section of the Project file is not recognized.
3070 The major browse string exceeds 50 characters:\n %s
3071 One or more browse sequences set, but browse buttons are not enabled in any window.
3072 The macro "%s" does not include a control panel name.
3073 No section is defined for the line "%s".
3074 The section "%s" is not recognized by this version of Help Workshop.
3075 The [%s] section does not follow the [OPTIONS] section in the Project file.
3077 %s is an invalid VK_ parameter for the macro "%s."
3078 The path "%s" is too long.
3079 The alias string "%s" has already been aliased:\n %s\n.
3080 The string "%s" has already been aliased:\n %s\n.
3081 Both alias and Topic ID are identical:\n %s\n.
3082 The map number "%s" is not a valid number:\n %s\n.
3083 Invalid syntax for window color:\n %s\n
3084 Invalid window syntax:\n %s\n
3086 Window position is out of range:\n %s\n
3087 The following filename exceeds 259 characters:\n %s\n
3088 No more than twenty font ranges can be used.
3089 Invalid font range: "%s"
3090 Current font range overlaps previously defined range: "%s"
3091 Unrecognized forced font name: "%s"
3092 This version of the HPJ file is not supported by this version of Help Workshop.
3093 Keyword type is not a letter or number. "%c" is invalid.
3094 More than three keyword types (besides 'K' and 'A') defined.
3095 Multikey values of 'K' or 'A' cannot be defined.
3096 The font name "%s" is longer than 31 characters.
3097 The [BUILDTAGS] section is missing in the Project file.
3098 Invalid build tag expression.
3099 Build expression too complex.
3100 Build expression missing from the Project file.
3101 Unknown build error.
3102 No macro is specified for the auto-entry footnote.
3103 The entry macro is not defined before any text.
3104 The Topic ID footnote (#) does not specify a Topic ID.
3105 The minor browse string exceeds 50 characters:\n %s
3106 Browse footnote (+) does not appear before any text.
3107 A browse sequence has already been defined for this topic.
3108 The title footnote ($) does not appear before any text.